This Sports Racing Car was found several years ago by its current owner. At the time, it was unclear who had created the body. Some believed it was from Devin while others suggested it was a Byers body. It has a custom tubular frame, running gear from a Volvo 444, and an engine and transmission also from Volvo.
The owner believes that the body is a Byers mold but was probably made by Victress, who had purchased the molds from Jim Byers but kept the Byers name. The dimensions are similar to that of the CR90.
Een Byers Volvo Special CR90. Enige wat Volvo is, is de motor en versnellingsbak. De rest is eigenbouw. Bodywork hoogstwaarschijnlijk van Victress.
Leuke spot!
This Sports Racing Car was found several years ago by its current owner. At the time, it was unclear who had created the body. Some believed it was from Devin while others suggested it was a Byers body. It has a custom tubular frame, running gear from a Volvo 444, and an engine and transmission also from Volvo.
The owner believes that the body is a Byers mold but was probably made by Victress, who had purchased the molds from Jim Byers but kept the Byers name. The dimensions are similar to that of the CR90.
Zeldzaam ding, leuke spot!
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